
Subject Verb Agreement Using Expressions of Quantity

Subject Verb Agreement Using Expressions of Quantity

Subject-verb agreement is an important aspect of language that determines the accuracy and clarity of a sentence. When expressing quantity, it is crucial to ensure that the subject and verb used are in agreement to maintain linguistic harmony. The use of expressions of quantity can often complicate subject-verb agreement, but with the right techniques, it can be a breeze. In this article, we will look at the subject-verb agreement using expressions of quantity and how to achieve it.

Firstly, let`s understand what expressions of quantity are. Expressions of quantity refer to words or phrases that indicate a specific amount, quantity, or degree of something. For instance, words like `some,` `many,` `few,` `less,` `more,` and `none` are examples of expressions of quantity.

When using expressions of quantity, it is essential to note that they function as adjectives and modify the noun or pronoun they come before. Additionally, they determine the quantity of the subject, which in turn determines the verb form used. Let`s look at some examples:

– Some of the books are on the shelf.

– Many of the students love playing soccer.

– Few of the employees are satisfied with their wages.

– Less of the time is spent on family activities.

– More of the budget is allocated to marketing.

– None of the food was wasted.

In all the sentences above, the expressions of quantity modify the subject and determine the verb form used. For example, `are` is used in the first sentence because `some of the books` is a plural subject that requires a plural verb. Similarly, `is` is used in the fourth sentence because `less of the time` is a singular subject that requires a singular verb.

One common mistake when using expressions of quantity is to ignore the subject and use the verb form based on the expression of quantity. This error results in subject-verb disagreement, as seen in the following incorrect sentences:

– Many of the students loves playing soccer.

– Less of the time are spent on family activities.

In the first sentence, `loves` is used instead of `love` to agree with `many of the students,` which is a plural subject. In the second sentence, `are` is used instead of `is` to agree with `less of the time,` which is a singular subject. Such mistakes can affect the clarity and accuracy of the sentence, making it sound awkward and confusing.

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement using expressions of quantity is crucial in ensuring the accuracy and clarity of a sentence. When using expressions of quantity, it is essential to note that they modify the subject and determine the verb form used. Adhering to these guidelines will result in grammatically correct sentences that are easy to understand. As a copy editor, it is crucial to check subject-verb agreement when using expressions of quantity, as it is a common mistake made by writers.

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